Sunday, March 29, 2015

The things people say

The things people tell you....They sometimes spark a memory or thought that you wouldn't otherwise think on your own freewill. 

I've been letting my mind get the best of me over the past couple of days, and I'm not really sure why. The thought of always being single plague my mind to a point where I can't stake them. When you're looking for a partner and not succeeding, it's inevitable for those thoughts to creep in. I just feel as if I have been single for such a long period of time that I don't even know the rules anymore. I don't even know what is expected of me. I suppose the perception I hold of myself plays a part in the whole thinking as well. I'm a sort guy -5'4. I've had very little success in the dating world because of my height. And I know what you're thinking, I thought the same thing...up until I am told "You're too short for me." -And not just one time, this has happened multiple times! I'm not what you'd call a hunk, in fact I'm kind of skinny. Blow after blow it starts to have an impact on your confidence level. Then comes the whole idea of meeting people. I work with a bunch of guys. There are no women around me so meeting someone at the work place is out. There are no women my age at my church, so church is out. I live in a super small town with nothing to do, so that is out.  Maybe I'm just lazy...

So yeah, I've been dealing with those thoughts for the past few days...keep me in your prayers

For the future wife:
So,  I'm going to try and relate this to my top post. I hope you don't think those thoughts too. Always remember how much you are loved by Jesus. He loves us so much had He was willing to die for us. He paid the ultimate price for each and every one of us. Lord, I pray right now for my future wife wherever she is in life. Be with her right now. Send your angles to her location and protect her. Speak to her mind; comfort her. Let her know that You are with her. Bless her, Father. Pour out your unmerited favor on her life. Lead and guide her, Lord in her journey.  

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