Thursday, March 19, 2015

Almost wrecked today

Thank you to anyone who was praying for me today. I came super close to being in a vehicle accident while driving home from work. I'm actually thankful I drove my Evo today because it handles like a dream. The wide tires on it make it stick to the road. Scared me because I thought "Oh no..." I've only had my Evo since 2012 and it'll make 3 years this May. Thank the Lord though! It kind of makes me want to take it to a track just to see what it can do. So yeah, that was my enticement.

My Nintendo Amiibo collection is coming along nicely. I'm a little late on the bandwagon so I have to play catch up, but I'm getting closer to owning them all.

For the future wife:

Exodus 14:14 says "The Lord will fight for you; You only need to be still"  How cool is it to know that?! The Lord fights for us! Those battles where there's no way we can win in our own strength, God is there with us! All we need is to trust and rely on Him. He will never leave us or forsake us...
When those hard times come your way, trust in God. Put your faith to the test -faith of a mustard seed is all we need. You are a strong courageous woman of God. You don't know how special and loved you are. You are beautiful inside and out! Keep doing your thing -keep trusting in God -keep your faith and believe that God will deliver on His word!

Lord, keep her safe. Send your Angels and place a hedge of protection to surround her. Let no evil or harm come near her. She is your daughter, Lord. Heal any emotional scars she may have. Heal her physically if she needs it. I thank you for all You do, Lord. Amen and amen.

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