Saturday, March 21, 2015

Songs for sunday

Practice for Sunday's worship service went well. Song line up is 1: Days of Elijah 2. Blessed be your name, 3. Our God, 4. Cornerstone. Still need a drummer, but I think we did well without one. I'm still waiting for my new guitar -I like my Ovation, but I want an all wood guitar. So yeah, it's been awhile since we last played -mostly due to weather. Those freak snow storms canceling church pushed us back. I will be the first to admit that there is still a bunch of stuff for me to learn on guitar, but I absolutely love playing. It's one thing that I could never give up and I am so thankful for the person who taught me how to play. It's one ability that I hope to pass down to my future children.

For the future wife:

Lord, continue to make her a woman of noble character, compassion, wisdom, diligence, and skill in whatever she puts her hands to. I ask right now, in Jesus name that you will replace any insecurities she my have with the ability to trust you and to rest in your word. Be her shield and guard her from the evil one. Let your favor rest upon her. Bless her and prosper her.

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